Note: Darion Sable –Former Marine Suicide leaves Wells Fargo and jumps from Bay Bridge
A thunderous blast ripped through a Wells Fargo Bank branch in downtown Walnut Creek yesterday, injuring an employee and a pedestrian struck by flying debris. Authorities termed it an accident.
Fire investigators were focusing on a second-floor boiler as the likely cause of the blast. Authorities and bank employees said the boiler had been repaired about an hour before the explosion.
"It was a big boom," said bank manager Nancy Methlie as she stood with a group of Wells Fargo employees not far from the intersection of Bonanza and North Main streets where the bank is located. "It was like you could feel it everywhere in the building."
The explosion occurred at 3:51 p.m., blowing out windows around the building and throwing a large metal duct grille across Bonanza Street where it struck a man. He was taken to Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Walnut Creek with injuries to his shoulder and knee.
A bank employee who was in a room adjacent to the boiler at the time of the blast was also taken to the hospital for symptoms of shock. But officials described both victims' injuries as minor.
Bank patron Alex Utal said the explosion knocked panels off the walls inside the bank. "I thought someone had thrown something against the building," he said.
Shannon Rogers, an employee at Athletic Outpost across from the bank, felt the explosion shake the building while she was working.
"It reeked of gas," she said. "A big metal piece flew off and hit the piano store across the street."
Other bank employees said the building quickly filled with heavy steam or smoke but officials said there was no fire inside following the blast.
Damage was heaviest on the second floor where the suspect boiler was located.
''Earlier in the day, repairs were being made to the boiler," said Contra Costa Fire Capt. Larry Thude. "The repair crew left around 2 or 2:30 p.m."
Authorities said only about 10 people, including employees and patrons, were in the bank when the explosion occurred. A gas line to the bank was immediately shut off but several neighboring businesses were evacuated as a precaution.
Police cordoned off a four-block area around the bank, snarling traffic in the already heavily congested downtown area.
Wells Fargo was planning to send its own security people to the scene to secure the bank, said bank market president Andrew Mastorakis.
Mastorakis said there had been no threats made against the bank and that all evidence pointed to an explosion in the boiler. Fire officials and police were expected to remain at the scene to establish an official cause of the blast. Engineers from the bank and the city were assessing structural damage to the building last night. Lance Berg, a Wells Fargo spokesman in San Francisco, said customers in Walnut Creek should use Wells Fargo's branch on South Broadway until the branch on North Main reopens.
Lou Dobbs CNN Moneyline
"Exporting America" May 22, 2003
MONEYLINE: Good evening, everyone. Tonight, we continue our series of special reports, "Exporting America." This country's unemployment rate rose to six percent last month matching an eight-year high. Nearly nine million Americans are out of work. Many are bitter because their jobs are going to foreign workers who came to this country on special visas called H1-B. Kitty Pilgrim reports.
KITTY PILGRIM, CNNfn CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Mike Roberts was laid off from his technology consultant job in California. He sold his house and is living in a hotel room with his family and plans to leave California for good when his daughter finishes the school year. He says the company he worked for brought in a wave of foreign workers on H1-B visas. He eventually was replaced.
MICHAEL ROBERTS, TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT: They were bringing in consultants like one, two, three every week, all H1-Bs, so you start asking and then you start discovering they're all coming through just one or two agencies and you realize they're not even considering American citizens at all.
PILGRIM: Thirty-year-old Daniel Soong was making $160,000 a year but no longer. He lost his job to an H1-B visa worker. The former consultant now can't find a job and lives with his parents. He talks about a recent job interview that went nowhere. [Daniel Soong contacted with a clarification: CNN made a mistake, he was making $60,000 a year, not $160,000.]
DANIEL SOONG, TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT: They were just interviewing me in order to satisfy the equal opportunity requirements of the state so they wouldn't be discriminating against American citizens, but in reality they had no intentions of hiring me and they wanted to hire an H1-B visa candidate.
PILGRIM: The H1-B visa was born in the tech room of the early 1990s. There were not enough American workers, so employers asked for a special visa to bring in college educated workers from overseas to fill specialized jobs.
In 1992, the H1-B visa let in a maximum number of 65,000 workers, but by the end of the decade that number jumped to 195,000 every year and that doesn't count visa renewals. For example, in 2001, 342,000 people renewed their H1-B visa.
RON HIRA, IEEE-USA CHAIR: Usually in the technology area that you would bring an H1-B worker in temporarily. Unfortunately, the program has changed into instead of being a last resort the H1-Bs have become in some cases, you know, a first choice.
PILGRIM: Peter Bennett started a Web site complaining about the H1-B visas. Then it gets 1,500 hits a week on his Web site.
PETE BENNETT, NOMOREH1B.COM: Across the country, workers are being displaced wholesale. Entire teams are brought in to replace American workers and where they're being forced to train their replacements.
PILGRIM: Charles Corry did consultant work in Colorado Springs with many high tech firms that use the H1-B visa. He says to him it's clear that companies give preference to the H1-B applicants because the workers are willing to put in longer hours for less money, anything to keep their job in the states.
CHARLES CORRY, TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT: They're a modern version of indentured servitude, the hours, the salaries typically much lower. I was probably getting twice what the H1-B visa people were.
PILGRIM: And the General Accounting Office is looking into whether the H1-B visa workers are moving American workers out of their jobs. They expect to come up with a report by mid-September, and that timing is critical because Congress decides on the limits on the number of visas the following month - - Lou.
DOBBS: They're studying whether H1-B visa employees are taking away jobs from Americans?
PILGRIM: They want to make a study, everything.
DOBBS: It seems like as they say a no-brainer.
PILGRIM: Yes. It pretty much is industry knowledge that they are but they have to make a study of it -- Lou.
DOBBS: How many are there now, H1-B visa holders in this country?
PILGRIM: There's no real clear number because some people go back. Some people stay. Some people stay without the status.
DOBBS: What's the best estimate?
PILGRIM: But they think about a million.
DOBBS: A million?
PILGRIM: About a million and the problem is that you can reapply. You can stay in the country for three years and then renew it and stay for six, so you can stay for a long time on this visa.
DOBBS: Kitty, thank you very much, fascinating, Kitty Pilgrim. Still ahead here tonight our "Quote of the Day" on a much needed boost for the economy. Then, we'll be talking with Congressman Peter DeFazio on why free trade is to blame for some of the problems our economy is experiencing and why free trade may be a misnomer.
Also tonight, Saudi Arabia the target of terror, Saudi Foreign Policy Advisor Adel al-Jubeir will join us to talk about his country's new approach. Stay with us.
DOBBS: This week we're focusing in our special series of reports on "Exporting America" on the reasons for the loss of jobs abroad. Democratic Congressman Peter DeFazio blames the loss of American jobs on poorly written trade agreements. The Congressman says one way to turn around that situation is to create a non-partisan congressional trade office. He says it would write smarter agreements that could uphold labor and environmental standards.
Congressman Peter DeFazio joins us now from Washington, D.C., Congressman, good to have you here.
REP. PETER DEFAZIO (D), OREGON: Thanks, Lou, appreciate being on the show.
DOBBS: The issue of free trade, membership in the W.T.O, (unintelligible), all of these agreements ostensibly a level playing field for lesser developed nations as well as industrialized. Why do you find it's not working?
DEFAZIO: Well, actually if you look back to NAFTA, the whole intent of NAFTA was to make the export of capital safe because the appropriations earlier in the last century in Mexico. So, it was really set up to protect capital exports, capacity exports by U.S. manufacturers and the other agreements are modeled on that.
They don't protect labor rights. They don't protect environmental standards, and they don't create a level playing field in any way. I mean U.S. workers can't compete with Mexican workers let alone China and others that they're being forced to compete with in this agreements.
DOBBS: As you know, Congressman, one of the facts is that jobs that were lost in this country to Mexico have subsequently been, at least a portion of them, lost to China which are now being lost to Vietnam. At what point does this Congress and this White House deal with the issue of real imbalances that are creating job losses and the exportation not only of capital and jobs but intellectual capital?
DEFAZIO: Well, we're hollowing out our economy, both our industrial strength and now our service sector, intellectual strength, and high technology which was supposed to be where the displaced industrial workers went. It is an extraordinary threat to the future of our productivity and I believe our national security. When does Congress wake up? I don't know. The American people have woken up. Even Alan Greenspan is speaking out strongly about the potential problems here.
The International Monetary Fund, controlled by the United States has said our trade deficit isn't sustainable. But inside the Beltway here there's this head in the sand attitude.
You know when we renewed the H1-B which your last segment talked about here in Congress, they lied to us. It was controversial when they renewed it even when the economy was booming. They did it after hours. They told us there would be no more recorded votes. People left and the Republican leadership brought it up and jammed it through and, of course, the Clinton administration was complicit in that.
DOBBS: The Clinton administration, you mean Democrats and Republicans alike lied to you, Congressman?
DEFAZIO: Well, I'm not sure what the Democratic leadership knew or didn't now but the Republicans did for sure because they told us no more votes. I left among others and no more bills coming up and they brought that through, passed it on a voice vote. So, it's not going to happen this time we would hope with the scrutiny that's now starting to come on this problem and this issue.
DOBBS: Well, the fact of the matter is that in the ten years since the H1-B visa was created, it has brought in a huge number of visa holders that are taking jobs whether one -- and as Kitty Pilgrim reported a study is underway. It doesn't seem to me to require a lot of studying to figure out that jobs have been lost to H1-B visa holders. What are you going to do about it?
DEFAZIO: Well, the conflict that Congress feels, and obviously this administration feels is that there are certain corporations that have done very well under this and they're putting counter pressure on against American workers and the American workforce.
I'm hoping that this will be a time when we're going to do one for the future of our country and for our workers and we can create enough inertia. They can't ignore this problem anymore. I mean all those displaced industrial workers were supposed to get retrained for high tech. Well, guess what, we brought in people to do your work and now we're starting to export it.
I mean the other thing, and I'm not sure she touched on it, is that a lot of times these people are brought in, trained in teams, and then sent back to India where they can pay them even less than here. Here they're paid less than American workers but over there they're paid less than half.
DOBBS: And is it your sense that anything will be done about this or is it -- because you talk about the corporations doing very well. The fact is whether one looks at this in terms of men and women, working men and women in this country who are simply being screwed, or whether one looks at it in terms of corporations who are benefiting, the fact is it is certainly not helping the American economy. Shouldn't Congress be taking a serious look at the interests of this country?
DEFAZIO: Well, absolutely, and I'm hoping to engage some of the Republicans, like Duncan Hunter on Armed Services. We're now -- the Chinese are within half a generation of us in high tech computer technology and chips. We're supposed to by national policy maintain a two generation lead. That happened because of U.S. exports of technology to China under their demands. I mean they demand. We export the technology there and then they'll provide the cheap labor.
This is an extraordinary threat to the future of this country and, you know, there certainly should be a national security concern. If people aren't concerned about our workers they got to be concerned about our national security.
DOBBS: Congressman DeFazio we thank you very much and we wish you luck as you move forward with your advocacy of a congressional trade office. Thank you, sir.
DEFAZIO: Thanks, Lou. Thanks for shining a light on this.
DOBBS: Tomorrow on this broadcast we continue our series, "Exporting America." We'll take a look at the tremendous pressure faced by U.S. companies that try to keep their operations in this country, and we'll show you what businesses and governments are doing to at least try to encourage them to stay. And we'll try to find out precisely what the trade policy is of this country on this important issue.
Date: Oct. 2010
Event: Approaching Newsome
Where: Market Street HQ for BOS Candidate
Results: Call Garr Homeless Advocate
Newsom walked away when I asked about SFPD Lt. David Oberhoffer
Walnut Creek at 17 Koala Ct. connects him to Benny Chetcuti Jr. (Prison) (find title records yourself) leads to CNET Scandal and Chris Butler.
Here is the new problem for Nancy McFadden
Judge Golub - my neighbor who was well informed about my F-250 Explosion in August 2004, he knew about the Gary Vinson Collins incident in Sept 2004 - he's dead, I was in his court room getting screwed over on my first ticket.
Since we met and I am sure glad I approached you as it's a very important milestone in the PG&E as is Bing Lapus which in my eyes is no different than the 250K reward YOU SIGNED to encourage citizens to come forward
Everywhere I look I see public officials taking and using the public prowess to run over others rights.
There is LGBT jumper in Walnut Creek that used to sing in the gay bar where I'd sing as I'm gay friendly - everyone is the same.
Too bad in my situation no one cares too much about Pete Bennett or his family.
In June 2005 these people operator tried to kill my sons on 680.
The Great Lt. Governor and his side kick Jerry? Pete who? Why is his so fucked up ? Why is he getting beaten, why does he thyroid disease? He was sure lucjky that Lt. Oberhoffer didn't kill him.
The only way you'll ever be responsive and/or perhaps responsible. The court filing is coming soon - your a witness that's different than a defendant.
I want to know why Sen. Feinstein's and Blum's SVP Greg Smyth are so close to the deaths near me.
This long settled case portrays the connection between City Attorney Mark Coon and Nathaniel Greenan who both dead.
The discussion of two murders
Greenan is Mormon at Alamo 1st
Coon was Concord City Attorney who committed suicide
Albert D. Seeno and Bennett
This oddity is posted so the IRS, FBI and SAG might pursue Seeno on new charges.
Without question this was a setup project as my little tiny software company suffered a 20K loss with Seeno with emphasis that I would be buried in court. Seeno deliberately failed to pay and today I suspect that Alamo 1st Mormons coupled with James Greenan's law firm.
James Greenan a licensed Attorney fully aware of Bennett's Arson, the Police Stop in 2004 with the potential of ending Bennett's life. In 2011 that officer was indicted by Federal Grand Jury in his role contents of site.
Deputy Sheriff
Michael Robert Foley
Alameda County Sheriff's Office, California
End of Watch: Thursday,
February 23, 2017
To understand his link to
CNET all you need to read in this story, is SWAT, ATF, CNET or Fire Protection.
In most police stories there is a Chinese wall between agencies but the
East Bay is a simmering story of nepotism
and cronyism.
Foley History
Foley likely as a Concord Police Officer likely
targeted me while working with Concord Police
Chief Livingston. My position on Foley is he's part of growing list
of murdered police officers.
The perfect place to kill anyone while using
California Prison Laws in the jail.
This is a very rough rendition of incidents located from Walnut Creek to Danville.
The time range is from 2001 to 2016. It's a bucket list of tragedies where officers have used me like some as their personal gladiators in a dangerous game akin to the street game known as knockout
The mental anguish of Abuse of Authority of Color of Law is akin to being locked in a cage for 30 years.
Pete Bennett
Founder, Adviser and Former CEO/President
of Authentic Technologies Walnut Creek, California started
in the business world in the 1970s where he emulated later.
February 22, 2010 (OAKLAND, CA) February 22, 2010 – BrightSource Energy, Inc., developer of utility-scale solar thermal power plants, announced today that the U.S. Department of Energy has conditionally committed to provide $1.37 billion in loan guarantees to support the financing of BrightSource’s Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System.
The commitment to provide loan guarantees marks a key milestone in the development of the Ivanpah project, California’s first large-scale commercial solar thermal power plant in nearly two decades. When constructed, Ivanpah will be the world’s largest solar energy project, nearly doubling the amount of solar thermal electricity produced in the US today.
“This clean-energy investment will help create up to 1,000 construction jobs in California,” said California Senator Barbara Boxer. “In these tough times, we need investments like this to create good clean-energy jobs for Californians, increase our energy independence, protect our children from pollution and ensure American leadership in the clean energy economy.”
“As home to some of the world’s best solar fields and the nation’s largest green economy, it is no surprise the world’s largest solar energy project would choose California,” said Governor Schwarzenegger. “Our ambitious environmental policies are promoting the growth of clean, reliable energy in our communities and growing green jobs up and down the state. And, it is projects like this one that will help us meet our long-term energy and climate change goals while creating jobs and moving us towards a cleaner more sustainable future.”
"I am very happy to see utility-scale solar projects like this one moving forward with strong Administration support, and I am hopeful that this project will serve as a cornerstone of the clean energy economy in the Southwestern U.S.,” said Nevada Senator Harry Reid. “I look forward to BrightSource and other solar companies putting more Nevadans to work by building major projects like this in Nevada very soon."
“The loan guarantee commitment from the U.S. Department of Energy serves as a tremendous validation of our technology, the BrightSource team’s ability to execute, and the Ivanpah project’s role in meeting our nation’s large-scale renewable energy needs,” said John Woolard, CEO of BrightSource Energy. “We’re truly humbled by the opportunity to help build our nation’s green energy economy by creating good jobs for local communities. We look forward to beginning construction on the Ivanpah project, making a real and substantive impact on climate change, and creating a model for environmentally-responsible energy projects.”
The loan guarantee is made possible by the Department of Energy’s Title XVII loan guarantee program, which was started in 2005 under the Energy Policy Act to support commercially proven technology in addition to innovative renewable energy technology. Under Section 1703 of the program, the Department of Energy issues a conditional commitment to guarantee loans to be provided by the U.S. Treasury’s Federal Financing Bank. Execution of the final loan guarantees is subject to the satisfaction of various conditions specified in the conditional commitment. The Ivanpah Project: Clean Energy, Union Jobs, Environmentally-Responsible Design The Ivanpah project, located in southeastern California, is an approximately 400 megawatt solar power facility consisting of three separate solar thermal power plants. When constructed, the project will produce enough clean energy to power 140,000 homes and nearly double the amount of solar thermal energy produced in the U.S. today.
The power generated from these solar plants will be sold under separate contracts with Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE). PG&E will purchase approximately two-thirds of the power generated at Ivanpah and SCE will purchase approximately one-third. In all, BrightSource has contracted with PG&E and SCE to deliver more than 2,600 megawatts of electric power.
"In today’s challenging economy, the conditional loan guarantee commitment from the DOE for the Ivanpah project provides vital support for building California’s first utility-scale solar thermal project in nearly two decades," said Peter A. Darbee, PG&E Corporation Chairman, CEO and President. "We’re thrilled to be a part of this historic project, which will deliver additional clean energy to our customers and help advance California's renewable energy and economic development goals."
“The conditional loan guarantee commitment from the DOE for the Ivanpah project illustrates the important role that utility-scale solar must play in meeting our state’s clean energy and economic goals,” said Pedro Pizarro, executive vice president of Power Operations for Southern California Edison. “Addressing climate change and building our economy requires that we bring innovative technologies to market that can reliably deliver competitively priced clean energy at scale.” Ivanpah: Creating Union Jobs BrightSource and Bechtel, the engineering and construction contractor for the Ivanpah project, estimate that construction of the Ivanpah project will require approximately four million job hours of work and 1,000 union jobs at the peak of construction. In December 2009, Bechtel signed a project labor agreement with the State Building and Construction Trades Council of California (SBCTC) and the Building & Construction Trades Council of San Bernardino and Riverside counties to ensure that California’s local workforce benefits from the project. The project will also provide $400 million in local and state tax revenues, and produce $650 million in wages, over its first 30-year life.
“We are pleased that President Obama’s vision of a clean energy economy creating thousands of good jobs is beginning to become a reality” said Bob Balgenorth, President of the State Building and Construction Trades Council of California. “By committing to a union workforce, this project will be training and employing the middle class workers that support our state’s economy.” Ivanpah: An Environmentally-Responsible Project The Ivanpah project will reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by more than 400,000 tons annually, which is the equivalent of taking more than 70,000 cars off the road. The project is also designed in an environmentally responsible manner. Instead of the extensive land grading and concrete pads employed by other competing solar technologies, BrightSource mounts mirrors on individual poles that are placed directly into the ground, allowing the solar field to be built around the natural contours of the land and avoid areas of sensitive plant species.
In order to conserve precious desert water, the Ivanpah project will employ an air-cooling system to convert the steam back into water in a closed-loop cycle. By using dry-cooling, the project will use only 100 acre feet of water per year; less than ten percent of the water used by the adjacent golf course and 25 times less water than competing solar thermal technologies that use wet-cooling.
In addition to employing an environmentally low impact technology, the company recently submitted an alternative design for the Ivanpah project, which would further reduce the project’s footprint and significantly minimize any potential environmental impacts. The alternative mitigation proposal and the DOE loan guarantee represent two key steps towards the construction of the Ivanpah project.
The Ivanpah project is scheduled to begin construction in the second half of 2010 following issuance of permits by the California Energy Commission and the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management. The project has also been identified as a “fast-track” priority by the U.S. Department of Interior for obtaining federal stimulus benefits for California under the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
In September 2009, BrightSource selected Bechtel as the engineering, procurement and construction contractor for the Ivanpah project. Bechtel Enterprises, the project development and financing arm of the Bechtel organization, has committed to become an equity investor in all of the Ivanpah solar power plants. In December 2008, BrightSource signed an agreement with Siemens for the largest ever solar-powered steam turbine generator, which will be used for the first of the three Ivanpah plants.
“The DOE Loan Guarantee program serves as a tremendous catalyst for building our clean energy infrastructure,” said Ian Copeland, president of Bechtel Renewables. “The Ivanpah project will usher in a new era of advanced solar power, and help the state and local economies by providing new jobs. We are pleased to not only support BrightSource as the engineering and construction contractor but also as an investor, which reflects our confidence in the project and our commitment to developing clean, renewable power projects.” Luz Power Tower 550 (LPT 550) Technology The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating Facility will utilize BrightSource Energy’s proven Luz Power Tower 550 technology (LPT 550). The system produces electricity the same way as traditional power plants – by creating high temperature steam to turn a turbine. However, instead of using fossil fuels or nuclear power to create the steam, BrightSource uses sunlight, reflected by thousands of small mirrors called heliostats onto a boiler filled with water that sits atop a tower. When the sunlight hits the boiler, the water inside is heated and creates high temperature steam. The steam is then piped to a conventional turbine which generates electricity. This fully integrated system takes advantage of high operating efficiencies and low capital costs to provide reliable and low-cost carbon-free energy.
Today, the company’s LPT 550 solar system is employed at the Solar Energy Development Center (SEDC) in Israel’s Negev Desert. Operating over the past year, the SEDC is producing the world’s highest temperature turbine quality steam from solar energy.
For its technological leadership, BrightSource was selected as a 2009 Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum. The only solar company to win the prestigious award in 2009, BrightSource Energy was recognized for helping global utility and industrial customers reduce their dependence on fossil fuels by providing clean, low-cost and reliable solar energy.
### About BrightSource Energy, Inc. BrightSource Energy, Inc. provides clean, reliable and low cost solar energy for utility and industrial companies worldwide. The BrightSource Energy team combines nearly three decades of experience designing, building and operating the world’s largest solar energy plants with world-class project development capabilities. The company now has contracted to sell more than 2.6 gigawatts of power to be generated using its proprietary solar thermal technology. BrightSource Energy’s solar plants are designed to minimize their impact on the environment and help customers reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. Headquartered in Oakland, Calif., BrightSource Energy is a privately held company with operations in the United States, Israel, and Australia. To learn more about BrightSource Energy and solar thermal energy, visit
Eligibility for H-1B status requires that the employment position
qualify as a “specialty occupation.” As a general matter, employment
that requires a bachelor’s degree will qualify as a specialty
occupation, as will other employment that requires specialized knowledge
or experience that is the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree.
Professional positions that require graduate work or certification
(e.g., doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc.) generally meet the specialty
occupation requirement, with an important caveat—the H-1B alien must
have any U.S. State license that will be required in the jurisdiction
where he or she will work.
In addition to establishing that the employment position qualifies as
a specialty occupation, employers must also demonstrate that the H-1B
alien is suitably qualified for that employment. Employers may meet this
requirement by providing documentation that the H-1B alien has the type
of degree required for the specialty occupation. Typically, the degree
must be at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited U.S. institution
or the foreign equivalent of such a degree. In the absence of a degree,
it may be possible to meet this requirement by providing evidence of
specialized training/experience or other education.
My role at PG&E has been bizarre as it gets, persons near the explosion apparently are running on overdrive to coverup the explosion.
I was hired in Feb 2011 near the arrests of police officers, by summer my sons were kidnapped, my laptop breached and my car totaled, but more important is the deep rooted stonewalling and murders that have become murders of children.
I am the person who appeared on TV in opposition of the H-1b Visa. I have endured a litany of attacks since taking a position opposing the Clinton's, Bush and President Obama.
You should really take a second look at the deaths around you and those around your opposing your views. There is a multi-state investigation underway around the Clinton's. Your team is under investigation for trying to kill me, your team are the luminaries and elite but on those on my team are dead.
Your accusations of Mr. Trump are somewhat funny but clearly misguided as if you're a real American who's part of the greatest country in the world, then be concerned about the murders of Ambassador Stevens and Officer Kenyon Youngstrom.
I met friends of a US Programmer Chris Lacey re-certifying the H-1b visa. His employer had no intentions of permanent placement as their goal was simple. Please read The Fake Interview How H-1b Visa Requires Use Two Americans to certify an unqualified programmer.
The Fake Interview cost the life of an American who served his country.
The fake visa interview tripped us Chris Lacey, he was spending his last dime traveling between Chico (Butte County) to San Jose. His alleged employer never hired him they just interviewed him, said he was great and then told him later that someone else was selected.
I sued a company over an H-1b visa back in 2001, they won when they torched Offices of Don Moats. I lost three cases over that fire but three years those fine Visa Advocates decided killing me was better to they tried many times.
The investigation started in 2001, the events creating the visa started farther back with lobbyist Jack Abramoff Scandal
Sadly the power couples fail to understand what a huge mess their agenda has created that few can see or care about.
James J. Coon went to war as a way to better his life, hoping to use his soldier's pay to one day buy a house.
SPC James Coon
Step Mom worked at Nordstrom
Was my tailor
Knows my sons and ex
Stracks, Driscolls and Marshalls
Once in Iraq, he was recognized for his heroism after he jumped from his Humvee in an effort to save two fellow soldiers seriously injured in a roadside bomb explosion.
Then, his family says, a sniper's bullet took his life.
The 22-year-old Army specialist from the San Francisco Bay Area city of Walnut Creek was killed April 4 while on patrol in Balad, north of Baghdad.
The Department of Defense initially listed his cause of death as a roadside bomb explosion. But a co lonel in Coon's unit called the family last week from Iraq to explain that their son had been shot in the head.
Coon's body was returned to his family Thursday.
The soldier's father, Jim, described his son as an outgoing youth who loved hip-hop music and dancing, and excelled in football and darts. Coon had won a national steel-tip dart championship in 2001 and traveled to England as a 16-year-old to represent the United States. He finished fifth.
At 6 feet 6, with a size 14 1/2 shoe, Coon also was a punter on his high school and college football teams. His real love, his father said, was popping wheelies on his motorcycle.
"He was a good athlete as tall as he was," his father said. "He could ride his motorcycle doing a wheelie from one county to the next, even using one hand.
"He was a happy-go-lucky and free-spirited kid without a care in the world. He made friends very easily. It was uncanny how easily he could do that."
Pat Lickiss, principal of Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek, said Coon was a "kid who always had a smile on his face. He was a really nice young man. And you can't say that about all kids these days. But you can about James."
Coon, who grew up in Walnut Creek, was practical about his future, his father said. He worked as a supermarket clerk and in a paint store and lawnmower shop. He figured that the military would be a good way to save enough money to buy his own home some day.
He enlisted in September 2005, right after his 21st birthday, and spent six months in Iraq before he was killed.
Jim Coon said he kept in regular touch with his son through e-mails, which the young soldier used to express his growing frustration with the war effort. In one e-mail, the soldier wrote about fighting what he called an unseen enemy: "Dad, I feel like we're fighting ghosts. There's nobody out here to fight."
His father offered support. "James didn't like what was going on in Iraq," he said. "He didn't want to be there. But he was a dedicated soldier who did what he was told."
Last month, Coon attempted a rescue near Baghdad. He was working as a gunner in the hatch of a Humvee on patrol when his unit was struck by a roadside bomb, his father said.
When several soldiers went to investigate, a second bomb detonated, wounding half a dozen men. "He heard them screaming for help, so James told his driver to hold his gun, and he went out, without cover, to help his fellow buddies," his father said. "One guy was a medic, the other a sergeant. He put tourniquets on them. Both later died."
Coon was nominated for a Bronze Star but couldn't understand the honor, his father said. "He said, 'Dad, they're calling me a hero, but all I did was what I thought was right. A lot of kids would have done the same thing.' "
Coon said he had lost his buddies, and that hurt. "He told me, 'The only good thing I had out of this whole thing was taken from me when both those guys passed away,' " his father said.
In a subsequent e-mail to his family, Coon wrote of a lingering depression. "I wanna come home so bad. I don't wanna play Army anymore," he wrote.
Jim Coon said he saw his son in February during a military leave. He will remember him as a big, strapping boy who had yet to figure out a direction in life.
"In his last e-mail, he said he'd die for his brothers, as he called them," his father said. "My boy didn't go down without a fight."
He said that he recently read an entry on his son's website in which he wrote: "My dad is for sure my hero. He is also my best friend."
Said his father: "When I saw that, it tore me up."
In addition to his father, Coon is survived by his stepmother, Marie Coon; two half sisters, Roxanna Coon and Samantha Lares; and his grandparents, Jack and Janet Stahl of Fairfield, Calif.
War casualties
Total U.S. deaths*:
* In and around Iraq**: 3,292
* In and around Afghanistan***: 313
* Other locations***: 61
Source: Department of Defense* Includes military and Department of Defense-employed civilian personnel killed in action and in nonhostile circumstances
**As of Friday
***As of April 7
Bechtel Creates Jobs
Bechtel Creates Mayhem
Mayhem Creates Projects
We need to elevate trains
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Salvatierra, 39, was a vice president at online payment company PayPal, where he had worked since 2007. Prior to joining PayPal, Salvatierra had worked at eBay, Skype and Goldman Sachs.
December 2013: When the CEO of Accenture viewed my profile he accidently connected Accenture to the Bin Laden Group.
Accenture Management Consulting Information Session
Thursday, September 5, 2013 • 6:30pm–7:30pm
Room 250, GSPP West (1893 Le Roy Ave)
Accenture Management Consulting – US Consultant, 2013-2014 Recruitment
Accenture will be recruiting for both 2014 summer internships and fulltime opportunities. Fulltime recruitment will be focused on San Francisco & Washington DC. Summer internship program is nationwide, including San Francisco. This event is open to all GSPP Students (1st & 2nd yr MPPs), and Masters of Engineering students.
RSVP Deadline: Tuesday September 3rd 11:59 PM
As a consultant, you will work with some of the most prestigious organizations and governments to analyze and address the complex issues they face. We offer clients a unique spectrum of end-to-end management consulting solutions that help them achieve high-performance. With Accenture Management Consulting, you could be involved in the strategic analysis and development, creation, design and build of new business models, through to helping clients integrate and operate them.
FAIRFAX, Va., March 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Sysorex Information Systems
announced today a change of its name to Vanstar Government Systems, Inc., a
subsidiary of Vanstar Corporation.
As Vanstar Government Systems, the company now brings greater breadth of
services to federal government customers. Not only are customers able to
access top quality information technology products, but they now enjoy greater
offerings in services such as network infrastructure integration and IT asset
management. These services result from the company's union with Vanstar, a
$2+ billion provider of technology services and products to Fortune 1000--and
now, government--organizations worldwide.
With over 800 Microsoft certified engineers, Vanstar Government Systems
ensures the best in Wintel services, migration and enhancement of network
infrastructures. Vanstar leverages top-notch integration, quality assurance,
shipping and packing through a state-of-the-art ISO 9000-certified MegaCenter
in Indianapolis.
"These are just some of the many enhanced capabilities that will allow us
to better serve our customers," said Carleton S. Jones, president of Vanstar
Government Systems.
The company continues to feature the top products from leading vendors.
As IBM's largest federal reseller, Vanstar provides the best line of PCs,
workstations, and servers from IBM Personal Systems Group. The company also
aligns with top name vendors such as Compaq, Gateway, Lexmark, 3Com, and more.
Products from these companies may be found among Vanstar Government Systems'
PC-2, Portable-2, VA-PCHS, SASS-II contracts and GSA Schedule.
Following the transition to Vanstar Government Systems, federal government
customers can expect:
-- First and foremost, there will be no interruption in service as
integration and delivery functions are transitioned to the MegaCenter
in Indianapolis.
-- Federal government customers will enjoy greater end-to-end IT services
including the ability to purchase top-notch products AND services from
a number of IDIQ and GWAC contracts, GSA Schedule and BPAs.
-- Vanstar Government Systems' unbeatable 3- to 5-year warranty and
maintenance service remains the same.
-- The company's toll-free number and Web site address will change.
Government customers can still reach Vanstar at 1-888-797-6739
(1-888-SYSOREX) until a new number can be assigned. The Web site
address is now The former Web site will direct
customers to the new site through the end of May.
Vanstar Government Systems, a subsidiary of Vanstar, provides information
technology products and integration services to customers throughout
government. The company became a Vanstar division in July 1997. Vanstar
Corporation is a $2.2 billion provider of services and products to design,
build, manage and enhance computer network infrastructures of Fortune 1000
companies and other large enterprises. The company provides customized,
integrated solutions through comprehensive Life Cycle Services and extensive
technology consulting through its Professional Services Organization. For
more information on Vanstar and Vanstar Government Systems, please visit the
companies' Web sites at and
SOURCE Vanstar Government Systems, Inc.
Osama bin Laden family members invested $10M in an equity
fund run by former Bechtel unit. May 5, 2003: 2:17 PM EDT
NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The Bush administration launched a war on terror because
of the alleged acts of Osama bin Laden. Ironically, one of the companies the administration
has picked to rebuild Iraq after the latest phase of that war has ties to bin Laden's
family, according to a published report.
Bechtel Corp., a private construction firm based in San Francisco, recently was
awarded a State Department contract, potentially worth more than $600 million, to
help rebuild Iraq's infrastructure after the recent U.S.-led war there.
The Bush administration pushed for that war, in part, because it said the regime
of Saddam Hussein, former leader of Iraq, had ties to the al Qaeda terror network,
headed by bin Laden, the group allegedly responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks in the United States.
According to an article in the May 5 issue of New Yorker magazine, several
bin Laden family members -- part of a large, Saudi Arabian family that made a fortune
in the construction business -- invested about $10 million in a private equity fund
operated by former subsidiary of Bechtel before Sept. 11.
Fremont Group, a San Francisco-based private investment firm, once was a unit of
Bechtel, and its board still includes Bechtel CEO Riley P. Bechtel and former U.S.
Secretary of State and former Bechtel President George P. Shultz, along with several
current Bechtel directors.
Bechtel could not be reached for comment.
Fremont spokeswoman Pat Harden confirmed bin Laden's family had invested $10 million
in a Fremont fund, but she said the family had no ownership stake in Fremont and
its investment was made "well before the events of Sept. 11."
"Our concern is that it be clear they're investors, like many, in one of our many
private equity funds," Harden said, noting that the Patriot Act of 2001 requires
such investors to be screened for connections to terrorism. "This is all totally
legal and above-board."
Harden didn't know exactly when bin Laden's family invested in the equity fund.
Fremont general counsel Rick Kopf told the New Yorker bin Laden's family
had invested nothing in Fremont since Sept. 11.
None of bin Laden's family members has been charged with any crimes, and the family
denounced Osama bin Laden in the mid-1990s. Some family members also have publicly
denounced the Sept. 11 attacks.
Saying they feared for their safety, about two dozen family members living in the
United States left the country as soon as airports re-opened after Sept. 11.
POSTED: 03/17/2009 08:20:04 PM PDT |UPDATED: 7 YEARS AGO
Note: Contra Costa Times reporter Michael Taugher left BANG to Dept. of Fish and Game as PIO, he drowns and this same club lead to State Senator Don Perata daughter in-law drowned months apart and near President Obama there is the death of Ashley Turton but near Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton is Ambassador Stevens death in Benghazi.
Rep. Ellen Tauscher, of Alamo, is the Obama administration's pick for a key State Department post for arms control issues.
Tauscher is regarded as one of the most knowledgeable members of Congress on the nation's nuclear arsenal and a moderate who walks a fine line to balance support for nuclear weapons research at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, which is in her district, and the demands of peace activists.
"There is some skepticism among the nuclear control and disarmament community," said Christopher Paine, nuclear program director for the environmental group Natural Resources Defense Council.
Paine nonetheless called the pick a good one.
"Certainly, she has the potential to do a terrific job," Paine said.
Tauscher has not been vetted for the job, a process that can take weeks or months. The position also requires Senate confirmation. If Tauscher is appointed, a special election would be held to replace her for the rest of her two-year term ending January 2011.
The choice of Tauscher was first reported by The Associated Press. Congressional sources confirmed the AP's story for MediaNews.
If confirmed as undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, Tauscher would serve as a senior adviser on arms control, nonproliferation and disarmament issues to the president and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, whom Tauscher supported in last year's Democratic presidential primaries.
Experts said that among the tasks Tauscher would take on would be working with Russia to reduce nuclear stockpiles in the two countries, dealing with countries who might be seeking nuclear power and trying to limit small arms markets around the world.
The highest profile arms control challenges — Iran and North Korea, for example — would more likely be dealt with within the White House between President Barack Obama and the National Security Council, said Steven Weber, director of UC Berkeley's Institute of International Studies.
"There's some other issues we don't want to forget about," Weber said.
Developing a coherent approach to nations that are seeking nuclear power — and that therefore could eventually develop nuclear weapons — could be a key task facing the next undersecretary, Weber said.
"It's wrong to say you can wall off military uses for nuclear power," he said. "It's going to be managing the process inside the government and coming up with a coherent position for the government."
Tauscher, 57, was first elected to Congress in 1996 after an upset of two-term Republican incumbent Bill Baker. Tauscher, a wealthy former investment banker, spent $1.7 million of her own money on the election.
The chairman of a coalition of centrist congressional Democrats, Tauscher has remained moderate on political issues, occasionally angering more liberal members of her party.
Tauscher chairs the strategic forces subcommittee, which oversees the nation's nuclear weapons.
"She knows the U.S. nuclear arsenal better than probably any other member of Congress at this point," said Stephen Young, a senior analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists. "She doesn't have as much background on arms control as other candidates, but I expect her to be a quick study."
Some activists remain unsatisfied with Tauscher's stances on issues ranging from the war in Iraq to bankruptcy reform and have called in recent years for someone to challenge her in a Democratic primary election.
She was challenged in last year's general election by Republican Nicholas Gerber of Moraga, who got 31.1 percent of the vote.
The 10th District includes much of eastern and central Contra Costa County as well as Livermore in Alameda County; Dixon, Fairfield, Suisun City and Elmira in Solano County; and Isleton and Walnut Grove in Sacramento County. The most recent voter-registration reports show the district is about 47 percent Democrat, 29 percent Republican and 20 percent decline-to-state.
Staff writer Josh Richman contributed to this story.
Rep. Ellen Tauscher
Residence: Alamo
Education: B.A., Seton Hall University, 1973
Background: Wall Street investment banker, 1974-1988; founder and CEO of Child Care Registry, 1992-1996
First Elected: 1996, beating two-term incumbent Bill Baker
Leadership positions: Chairwoman, Strategic Forces Subcommittee of House Armed Services Committee; chairwoman, New Democrat Coalition, a group of centrist congressional Democrats.
(OAKLAND, CA) February 22, 2010 – BrightSource Energy, Inc., developer of utility-scale solar thermal power plants, announced today that the U.S. Department of Energy has conditionally committed to provide $1.37 billion in loan guarantees to support the financing of BrightSource’s Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System.
The commitment to provide loan guarantees marks a key milestone in the development of the Ivanpah project, California’s first large-scale commercial solar thermal power plant in nearly two decades. When constructed, Ivanpah will be the world’s largest solar energy project, nearly doubling the amount of solar thermal electricity produced in the US today.
“This clean-energy investment will help create up to 1,000 construction jobs in California,” said California Senator Barbara Boxer. “In these tough times, we need investments like this to create good clean-energy jobs for Californians, increase our energy independence, protect our children from pollution and ensure American leadership in the clean energy economy.”
“As home to some of the world’s best solar fields and the nation’s largest green economy, it is no surprise the world’s largest solar energy project would choose California,” said Governor Schwarzenegger. “Our ambitious environmental policies are promoting the growth of clean, reliable energy in our communities and growing green jobs up and down the state. And, it is projects like this one that will help us meet our long-term energy and climate change goals while creating jobs and moving us towards a cleaner more sustainable future.”
"I am very happy to see utility-scale solar projects like this one moving forward with strong Administration support, and I am hopeful that this project will serve as a cornerstone of the clean energy economy in the Southwestern U.S.,” said Nevada Senator Harry Reid. “I look forward to BrightSource and other solar companies putting more Nevadans to work by building major projects like this in Nevada very soon."
“The loan guarantee commitment from the U.S. Department of Energy serves as a tremendous validation of our technology, the BrightSource team’s ability to execute, and the Ivanpah project’s role in meeting our nation’s large-scale renewable energy needs,” said John Woolard, CEO of BrightSource Energy. “We’re truly humbled by the opportunity to help build our nation’s green energy economy by creating good jobs for local communities. We look forward to beginning construction on the Ivanpah project, making a real and substantive impact on climate change, and creating a model for environmentally-responsible energy projects.”
The loan guarantee is made possible by the Department of Energy’s Title XVII loan guarantee program, which was started in 2005 under the Energy Policy Act to support commercially proven technology in addition to innovative renewable energy technology. Under Section 1703 of the program, the Department of Energy issues a conditional commitment to guarantee loans to be provided by the U.S. Treasury’s Federal Financing Bank. Execution of the final loan guarantees is subject to the satisfaction of various conditions specified in the conditional commitment.
The Ivanpah Project: Clean Energy, Union Jobs, Environmentally-Responsible Design The Ivanpah project, located in southeastern California, is an approximately 400 megawatt solar power facility consisting of three separate solar thermal power plants. When constructed, the project will produce enough clean energy to power 140,000 homes and nearly double the amount of solar thermal energy produced in the U.S. today.
The power generated from these solar plants will be sold under separate contracts with Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE). PG&E will purchase approximately two-thirds of the power generated at Ivanpah and SCE will purchase approximately one-third. In all, BrightSource has contracted with PG&E and SCE to deliver more than 2,600 megawatts of electric power.
"In today’s challenging economy, the conditional loan guarantee commitment from the DOE for the Ivanpah project provides vital support for building California’s first utility-scale solar thermal project in nearly two decades," said Peter A. Darbee, PG&E Corporation Chairman, CEO and President. "We’re thrilled to be a part of this historic project, which will deliver additional clean energy to our customers and help advance California's renewable energy and economic development goals."
“The conditional loan guarantee commitment from the DOE for the Ivanpah project illustrates the important role that utility-scale solar must play in meeting our state’s clean energy and economic goals,” said Pedro Pizarro, executive vice president of Power Operations for Southern California Edison. “Addressing climate change and building our economy requires that we bring innovative technologies to market that can reliably deliver competitively priced clean energy at scale.”
Ivanpah: Creating Union Jobs BrightSource and Bechtel, the engineering and construction contractor for the Ivanpah project, estimate that construction of the Ivanpah project will require approximately four million job hours of work and 1,000 union jobs at the peak of construction. In December 2009, Bechtel signed a project labor agreement with the State Building and Construction Trades Council of California (SBCTC) and the Building & Construction Trades Council of San Bernardino and Riverside counties to ensure that California’s local workforce benefits from the project. The project will also provide $400 million in local and state tax revenues, and produce $650 million in wages, over its first 30-year life.
“We are pleased that President Obama’s vision of a clean energy economy creating thousands of good jobs is beginning to become a reality” said Bob Balgenorth, President of the State Building and Construction Trades Council of California. “By committing to a union workforce, this project will be training and employing the middle class workers that support our state’s economy.”
Ivanpah: An Environmentally-Responsible Project The Ivanpah project will reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by more than 400,000 tons annually, which is the equivalent of taking more than 70,000 cars off the road. The project is also designed in an environmentally responsible manner. Instead of the extensive land grading and concrete pads employed by other competing solar technologies, BrightSource mounts mirrors on individual poles that are placed directly into the ground, allowing the solar field to be built around the natural contours of the land and avoid areas of sensitive plant species.
In order to conserve precious desert water, the Ivanpah project will employ an air-cooling system to convert the steam back into water in a closed-loop cycle. By using dry-cooling, the project will use only 100 acre feet of water per year; less than ten percent of the water used by the adjacent golf course and 25 times less water than competing solar thermal technologies that use wet-cooling.
In addition to employing an environmentally low impact technology, the company recently submitted an alternative design for the Ivanpah project, which would further reduce the project’s footprint and significantly minimize any potential environmental impacts. The alternative mitigation proposal and the DOE loan guarantee represent two key steps towards the construction of the Ivanpah project.
The Ivanpah project is scheduled to begin construction in the second half of 2010 following issuance of permits by the California Energy Commission and the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management. The project has also been identified as a “fast-track” priority by the U.S. Department of Interior for obtaining federal stimulus benefits for California under the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
In September 2009, BrightSource selected Bechtel as the engineering, procurement and construction contractor for the Ivanpah project. Bechtel Enterprises, the project development and financing arm of the Bechtel organization, has committed to become an equity investor in all of the Ivanpah solar power plants. In December 2008, BrightSource signed an agreement with Siemens for the largest ever solar-powered steam turbine generator, which will be used for the first of the three Ivanpah plants.
“The DOE Loan Guarantee program serves as a tremendous catalyst for building our clean energy infrastructure,” said Ian Copeland, president of Bechtel Renewables. “The Ivanpah project will usher in a new era of advanced solar power, and help the state and local economies by providing new jobs. We are pleased to not only support BrightSource as the engineering and construction contractor but also as an investor, which reflects our confidence in the project and our commitment to developing clean, renewable power projects.”
Luz Power Tower 550 (LPT 550) Technology The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating Facility will utilize BrightSource Energy’s proven Luz Power Tower 550 technology (LPT 550). The system produces electricity the same way as traditional power plants – by creating high temperature steam to turn a turbine. However, instead of using fossil fuels or nuclear power to create the steam, BrightSource uses sunlight, reflected by thousands of small mirrors called heliostats onto a boiler filled with water that sits atop a tower. When the sunlight hits the boiler, the water inside is heated and creates high temperature steam. The steam is then piped to a conventional turbine which generates electricity. This fully integrated system takes advantage of high operating efficiencies and low capital costs to provide reliable and low-cost carbon-free energy.
Today, the company’s LPT 550 solar system is employed at the Solar Energy Development Center (SEDC) in Israel’s Negev Desert. Operating over the past year, the SEDC is producing the world’s highest temperature turbine quality steam from solar energy.
For its technological leadership, BrightSource was selected as a 2009 Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum. The only solar company to win the prestigious award in 2009, BrightSource Energy was recognized for helping global utility and industrial customers reduce their dependence on fossil fuels by providing clean, low-cost and reliable solar energy.
About BrightSource Energy, Inc. BrightSource Energy, Inc. provides clean, reliable and low cost solar energy for utility and industrial companies worldwide. The BrightSource Energy team combines nearly three decades of experience designing, building and operating the world’s largest solar energy plants with world-class project development capabilities. The company now has contracted to sell more than 2.6 gigawatts of power to be generated using its proprietary solar thermal technology. BrightSource Energy’s solar plants are designed to minimize their impact on the environment and help customers reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. Headquartered in Oakland, Calif., BrightSource Energy is a privately held company with operations in the United States, Israel, and Australia. To learn more about BrightSource Energy and solar thermal energy, visit