The Anatomy of Public Corruption

The Murder of Starbucks Employee Anthony Banta and Broadway Pointe






OBIT: Supervisor Glover



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Family, Friends and Clients





Where's the Beef?
Pete Bennett former well paid software contractor now homeless, consistently beaten, attacked and with a clear pattern of witness murders.

His former clients subject to SEC Rules and Regulations
PG&E, SBC, AT&T, B of A, Wells Fargo, Comerica, Contra Costa County, Symantec, GE Nuclear, Seeno Construction, Alberto Culver and my former clients around the country.

  • Domestic Terrorism Breaches
  • Coincidental Deaths
  • Extortion, Racketeering and Arson

Attempted Murder 2011
Jurisdiction: Lafayette Police
On July 20th, 2011 my car was totaled by a retired San Francisco Lieutenant living in Pleasant Hill and on April 18th 2012 the brother in-law of my attorney was murdered a few after the Metcalf Station Sniper Attack


This police corruption story would have been stopped via Bennett v. Collins in 2004, but a 2004 Truck arson fire precedes two deadly Bay Area Gas Pipeline Explosions causing 13 deaths, and several billion in damages might have been averted because Bennett after knowing the depth of CNET and Butler activities realized that Benny Chetcuti Jr sister was married to Butler, then connecting other known East Bay Fires discovered Butler and Chetcuti's business deals were connected to Albert Seeno Construction and Discovery Homes.
Your here now!


A Real Story

In 2004 a series of attacks began right around when my divorce began and in 2011 they arrested then later convicted many Police Officers.
The story that many have forgotten to most, the convictions, the scandal and the lies but many were left devastated economically, many lost millions and the story is more than divorce as it leads to Probate, Investment Firms and Real Estate.
All of these public officials have heard from me but they're in charge so when your family gets killed see how it works out. State: Desaulnier, Skinner, McNerny, Jerry Hill (San Mateo),


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Devils Breath 
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Walnut Creek Planning

Walnut Creek Planning Projects

Cover Image  

Chapter 1: Introduction
The project inception

Chapter 2: Body
14-046 1500 Mount Diablo Blvd. Status: Under Construction

Chapter 3: Conclusion
Cover Image  

Chapter 1: Introduction
The project inception

Chapter 2: Body
14-046 1500 Mount Diablo Blvd. Status: Under Construction

Chapter 3: Conclusion

911 and the #DeadBankers

Quick Facts
Altered Imagery

CLUE: The Ball Drop

CLUE: President Bush ~ No sense of urgency

World Trade Center -#deadbankers

Key Facts:

Cantor Fitzgerald, KOLL, FBI


#REITGenocide Dying For Dollars

Clear Connections

Project Tracking

I told them clearly that


Killer Voice Mails?

Troll Voice Mail  


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The Earlier Dead Bankers

There are other deaths near other banks with my former peers. 
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Gary Bell CEO

In 2012, Mr Bell fell ill near election day but within days he was in a coma.  Just like Councilman Shimansky, Tax Collector Pollacek they died from Spinal Meningistis.  The personal connection is the other bacterial deaths in the area and back in Florida with Jimmy Barnes death in Bradenton FL pushed the death count to almost ten. 
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Madeline Seeley 2010

Madeline Seeley mom and friends were often at the Round Up bar in Lafayette CA. One night the estranged husband decided to come down at the Mom's assistance. He worked for Pacific Services former banking arm of Pacific Gas and Electric. 




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Stop Killing Homeless for Real Estate Investments Trust (REIT)

Fremont Group -
Update: In January 2016 several more homeless expired.

  • Knows My Arson Suspects
  • Fremont Group Formulates Real Estate (REITs)
  • Patriiot Act revelation to Bin-Laden Group
  • Connections to Bechtel, Bechtel Real Estate Investment Group repackaged as Fremont Group
  • Bechtel Connects to PG&E
  • Rick Kopf member of Alamo 1st Ward, knows several members who've endured suicide, accidents and arson (me)
  • Pete Bennett knows
    • Former Superior Court Judge Joel Golub
    • Police Officers in #FederalPrison
  • Howard V. Golub Former Senior Counsel CPUC
    • Leads to PG&E VP Brian Cherry (Fired)
    • CPUC President Peevey (Forced to Resign)
  • Collectively they are connected numerous rouge police officers now Federal Felons

The Villages

Construction details and development plans started around 2008 giving planners ample time to run EIR and to collect accident data from Traffic Informaton Management System (TIMS) operated via state and Federal Grants operate by UC Berkeley. The Village Really interesting location as Keith is referring to Trader Joe's, Kaiser, S Main near Hickory Pit, sadly Anthony Banta worked across the street.


CBS 48 Hours - Soccer Moms Confidential @JudicialCenter @NorCal_Record @

Quick Facts

Chris Butler was in Pete Bennett's house in 2004

 Chris Butler Commander Wielsch Louis Lombardi Stephen Tanabe Mary Nolan

Jennifer Hanin Radio Show

Jennifer Hanin

Jenn Hanin

Family Law Casulty
Photo of sunset

Friend met at Starbucks Walnut Creek


Jennifer Hanin is an influ­en­tial and pro­lific polit­i­cal blog­ger, an award-winning writer, a social media maven, and co-founder and for­mer Exec­u­tive Edi­tor of Act For Israel. She is co-author of the critically-acclaimed What to Do When You Can’t Get Preg­nant: the Com­plete Guide to All the Options for Cou­ples Fac­ing Fer­til­ity Issues (Da Capo, 2013; 2005) and Becom­ing Jew­ish: The Chal­lenges, Rewards and Paths to Judaism, (Row­man & Lit­tle­field, 2011). NPR inter­viewed Jen­nifer on her con­ver­sion expe­ri­ence and sub­se­quent book on the sub­ject. Newsweek (July 4, 2005) rec­om­mended Jennifer’s infer­til­ity book as one to buy when under­go­ing fer­til­ity treatments.
JTA ranked Jen­nifer @jennhanin as #38 on their 100 Most Influ­en­tial Jew­ish Twit­ter Users for 2010, and #10 in the cat­e­gory of Pol­i­tics and Pol­icy. She also won Shorty Awards in the cat­e­gories of Reli­gion and Judaism in 2009.
Jen­nifer has appeared on tele­vi­sion and radio to dis­cuss her books and blog posts, and her blog has gen­er­ated inter­est from every con­ti­nent except Antarc­tica. Edi­tors have trans­lated her work into Dutch, Russ­ian, Por­tuguese, Chi­nese, Span­ish, French and Ara­bic. The Inter­na­tional Busi­ness Times cited Jennifer’s blog post, Iran Won an Oscar but Keeps Los­ing Pub­lic Opin­ion Else­where, detail­ing the Iran­ian reac­tion over its filmmaker’s 2012 Oscar win.
In her effort to seek the truth, Jen­nifer began her career as a news intern inter­view­ing com­mu­nity lead­ers and writ­ing for KTRK-TV, ABC’s Hous­ton affiliate’s Sun­day Morn­ing Show. She has a well-rounded back­ground which includes writ­ing and project man­age­ment for For­tune 500 cor­po­ra­tions includ­ing KBR, Com­paq and Hon­ey­well. Jen­nifer holds an M.A. in Pub­lic Rela­tions from the Uni­ver­sity of Hous­ton, and is author of a master’s the­sis: Pub­lic Rela­tions as Nego­ti­a­tion: A case study of the Dow Corn­ing Cor­po­ra­tion in the silicone-gel breast implant con­tro­versy. She spent her post-undergraduate career in social ser­vice work­ing with par­ents and chil­dren, and holds a B.S. in Human Devel­op­ment and Fam­ily Stud­ies from Texas Tech University.
Addi­tion­ally, Jen­nifer has always stood up for social respon­si­bil­ity and indi­vid­ual rights. She now resides in North­ern Cal­i­for­nia with her hus­band and twin daughter

Stop Attacking and Killing My Family, Friends, Clients and Adversaries


Beat The Constituent Daily

Beat Litigants Daily

Win Family Law Matters At All Costs

Kill Men, Women and Children - Take No Prisoners

  • I was guest on #JennHaninRadioShow
  • Topics Covered
    • #driscolldeaths
    • #pgewitnesss

#humboltroadfire The Summer Home of the Serial Arsonist

Hello, world!

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he arsonist, who ignited the worst fire in Butte County history, remains at-large five years later, Cal Fire Investigator George Morris III said. 


Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.
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PARADISE, Calif. -

PG&E has confirmed that the two people killed in a plane crash in Butte County Tuesday morning were doing contract work for the company.

PG&E spokesperson Jana Morris says the pilot works for AA Aerial Services and the passenger is with Frontline Energy Services. The plane was a Champion 7GCAA with the tail number N9607S.
They were in the air doing a routine check on gas transmission lines in the area of Neal Road when the plane went down.
The names of the people killed were not immediately released.
Morris says their thoughts and prayers are with the companies and families involved.
The crash sparked a fire that burned 21 acres along Neal Road, south of Chico. The crash was reported at 11:35 a.m. along Neal Road between the landfill and Paradise.  The crash site is five miles south/southwest of Paradise.

The smoke could be seen south of Chico along Highway 99.

NTSB Identification: WPR13FA370
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Tuesday, August 13, 2013 in Paradise, CA
Aircraft: CHAMPION 7GCAA, registration: N9607S
Injuries: 2 Fatal.
This is preliminary information, subject to change, and may contain errors. Any errors in this report will be corrected when the final report has been completed. NTSB investigators either traveled in support of this investigation or conducted a significant amount of investigative work without any travel, and used data obtained from various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
On August 13, 2013 about 1130 Pacific daylight time, a Champion 7GCAA, N9607S, collided with the ground while maneuvering near Paradise, California. The airplane was registered to the pilot and operated by AA Aerial Surveillance, LLC. under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 as an aerial observation flight. The commercial pilot and passenger were fatally injured and the airplane was substantially damaged. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and a flight plan was not filed. The cross-country flight originated from the Nut Tree Airport (VCB), Vacaville, California about 0850 with a destination of Chico Municipal Airport (CIC), Chico, California.

According to a representative from Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Company, the pilot was flying pipeline patrol on a gas transmission line that services Paradise. The underground pipeline extends northeast along the top of a flat ridge surrounded on either side by rugged canyons.

During a telephone conversation with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), a witness, who was an observer in a fire lookout tower at Sawmill Peak located nine miles northeast of the accident site, reported that a high wing airplane made approximately three large right circles and then depart to the south. The witness stated that he did not see the airplane descend or see the accident sequence.

Examination of the accident site revealed that the wreckage was located near the bottom of a canyon and was mostly consumed by postimpact fire. The debris path was about 50 feet in length and about 20 feet wide. Postimpact fire was found throughout the debris path and through surrounding terrain. About 21 acres of land was burned. All major structural components were located within the debris path. The wreckage was relocated to a secured facility for further examination.
Aviation Accident & Synopsis Query Page


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The December 2004 Trailer Incident - The Stolen Trust and Strack Murders

 Four Mormon Missionaries from Alamo Ward helped steal Bennett's legal documents containing trust documents linked to The Strack Family Deaths #strackdeaths


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PG&E Programmer, PGE Engineer and Lt. David Oberhoffer

Updated and reformatted content pending

Date Reviewed: 05/22/2018
Date Posted: 01/12/15
Revision Date: 06/01/2018


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