Witness Intimidation and Witness Termination
By Pete Bennett
Walnut Creek CA -- A clear reality of my situation is how cases are handled around Contra Costa County. My 2004 arson was witnessed by Danville Police Officer and the Mechanic at Gregg's Muffler in Lafayette CA.
Nearly all Contra Costa County Cities use the same risk management services provided by the Municipal Pooling Authority (MPA) under CSAC using the Joint Powers Authority (JPA).
I've filed many claims on my own because the Contra Costa Bar Association controls the intake referrals and I was summarily told I can't get a referral through them.
Many thanks while the Walnut Creek City Attorney lofts around town persons unknown have been trying to kill me and they tried to killing my sons in 2005.
Please take your time.
Witness Intimidation
It's happened to me in Pittsburg, Walnut Creek and Danville where I've attempted to litigate. I sued Danville Building Inspector Gary Vinson Collins in 2006 but my Attorney Sage Sehapi has the shit kicked out of him a during a Walnut Creek Basketball game on Oak Road.
To Protect and Serve - Please read Color of Law Abuses as per FBI.GOV
The WCPD true to form refused to arrest the suspect sending Mr. Sehapi in circles who being an attorney wanted to sue. The officers probably obstructed justice by hiding this case from the District Attorney just like Danville Police did with the Bennett/Collins assault but now ten years later we've got murders, arson coupled with the fact that the PG&E Indictment now contains obstruction of justice charges.
Witness Termination
After the Lafayette Police refused to investigate this blogger's July 20th 2011 Hit & Run/Attempted Murder I turned to State Senator Mark Desaulnier who called the Legislative Security Services Threat Assessment Unit (TAU) who interviewed me in Aug 2011 but sadly since then many have died with no end in site.
On Nov 9th 2004 a Kinder Morgan Gas Pipeline Explodes but few noticed that several persons near this pipeline disaster died.
The Who Gives A Shit County
For several decades I've been a lock step battle with the rich and powerful. I didn't realize how much was being put into trying to take me out until the car zoomed by me on September 28th 2013 but the response from the Walnut Creek Police was pathetic.
I've made numerous attempts to get an investigation started over at least five Hit and Run Incidents since 2004 and the Unionized Agencies have a clear and powerful agenda.
The persons who witnessed my near miss were also recorded by Safeway Cameras where they used their personalized Safeway Stalking Card managed in the Philippines where your personal data is splayed out around the globe.