The Anatomy of Public Corruption

Showing posts with label Office of Inspector General. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Office of Inspector General. Show all posts

U.S. Department of Education > The Office for Civil Rights

U.S. Department of Education

image on discriminationOverview
Educational institutions have a responsibility to protect every student's right to learn in a safe environment free from unlawful discrimination and to prevent unjust deprivations of that right. The Office for Civil Rights enforces several Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and age in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education. It is the mission of the Office for Civil Rights is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation through vigorous enforcement of civil rights.

This page provides specific and detailed information that will assist you in filing a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the Department of Education. Please read all of the information below before continuing on to the complaint form. Additional information is available at How OCR Handles Complaints and Questions and Answers on OCR's Complaint Process.

OCR has the authority to investigate complaints claiming a covered entity discriminated based on:
  • race, color, national origin, ethnicity, or ancestry, including a person’s
    • limited English proficiency or English learner status; and
    • actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, including membership in a religion that may be perceived to exhibit such characteristics (such as Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Sikh individuals)
  • sex, including
    • pregnancy or parental status;
    • sex stereotypes (such as treating persons differently because they do not conform to sex-role expectations or because they are attracted to or are in relationships with persons of the same sex); and
  • disability, including those currently without an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, but who have a record of or are regarded as having a disability; and
  • age.
OCR also has the authority to investigate complaints claiming a covered entity:
  • retaliated for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege protected by the laws enforced by OCR;
  • retaliated because someone made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an OCR matter; and
  • discriminated against any youth group officially affiliated with a group or organization listed in title 36 of the United States Code (as a patriotic society) that is intended to serve young people under the age of 21 that requests to conduct a meeting at a public school.
Covered entities include all public and private programs that receive Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education. These include all public schools and most public and private colleges, as well as some other entities, such as vocational rehabilitation agencies and libraries.  For claims of disability discrimination (including disability-related retaliation), covered entities also include all state and local government entities, even if they do not receive Federal funds.
If you believe you have been discriminated or retaliated against on any of these bases by a covered entity, you may file a complaint using either the electronic complaint form or the fillable PDF complaint form linked at the bottom of this page.
If you choose to file a complaint using either method, you will be asked to provide your name, address, and email address; the name and address of the person discriminated against; and the name and address of the entity you believe discriminated.
You also will be asked which of the kinds of discrimination forms the basis for your complaint. You will need to provide a description of the conduct that you believe is discriminatory.
By law, complaints of discrimination must ordinarily be filed within 180 days of the last act of discrimination. If your complaint involves matters that occurred longer ago than this and you are requesting a waiver, you will be asked to show good cause why you did not file your complaint within the 180-day period.
You will be asked whether you have tried to resolve the matter using a grievance procedure or by filing with another agency.
In addition to the complaint, a signed Consent Form may be required. When disclosure of the identity of the complainant is necessary in order to resolve the complaint, OCR will require written consent before proceeding. The complainant will be informed that the complaint will be closed if written consent is necessary in order to resolve the complaint and is not received within 20 calendar days of the date of the acknowledgement letter or the date the Consent Form is requested from the complainant. The signed Consent Form may be submitted to OCR by mail, fax, email (with a scanned attachment), or in person.
When OCR has determined that consent is necessary in order to resolve the complaint and OCR has not received a signed Consent Form by the 15th calendar day of the date of the acknowledgment letter or the date the Consent Form is requested from the complainant, OCR will contact the complainant (e.g., by phone) to inform the complainant that the complaint will be closed if the signed Consent Form is not received within 5 calendar days. If OCR does not receive signed written Consent Form, the complaint will be dismissed, and the complainant informed in writing.
A complainant on behalf of or regarding to another person(s) is responsible for securing any necessary written consent from that individual, including when a parent files for a student over the age of 18. Where the person is a minor (under the age of 18) or a legally incompetent adult, the Consent Form must be signed by that person’s parent or legal guardian. Parental or legal guardian consent may not be required for persons under the age of 18 if they are emancipated under state law and are therefore considered to have obtained majority. Proof of emancipation or incompetence must be provided.
If you submit the completed electronic complaint form, it will be routed to the OCR office with authority to handle complaints in the state where the institution or entity you are complaining about is located. A staff person will contact you once your electronic complaint has been received and reviewed.
If you select the fillable PDF complaint form, once you complete the complaint form and Consent Form, you should print them out, sign them; and mail them (or email scanned copies of the signed forms) to the Enforcement Office with authority for the state where the institution or entity you are complaining about is located. A staff person will contact you once your complaint has been received and reviewed.
You may now continue to either the electronic complaint form or the fillable PDF complaint form, or you may abandon the form and return to the OCR Complaint Process page.
Continue to Electronic Complaint Form or Fillable PDF Complaint Form download filesPDF (228K) 

HIPPA Prohibits Retaliation Office for Civil Rights US Department of Health and Human Services

The Witness List

Card image cap
Office for Civil Rights
US Department of Health and Human Services

How to File a Health Information Privacy or Security Complaint
Complaint Requirements
Anyone can file a health information privacy or security complaint. Your complaint must:

Be filed in writing by mail, fax, e-mail, or via the OCR Complaint Portal
Name the covered entity or business associate involved, and describe the acts or omissions, you believed violated the requirements of the Privacy, Security, or Breach Notification Rules
Be filed within 180 days of when you knew that the act or omission complained of occurred. OCR may extend the 180-day period if you can show "good cause"
HIPAA Prohibits Retaliation

Under HIPAA an entity cannot retaliate against you for filing a complaint. You should notify OCR immediately in the event of any retaliatory action.

Pete Bennett in the ER for the umpteenth time.

Bennett, Pete

Employer: Self Contract Seeking Work

Once again Pete Bennett struggling with yet another medical incident during the never ending investigation. Not sure when but a typical repeated event in between the regular beatings.

How to File a Health Information Privacy or Security Complaint

Complaint Requirements

Anyone can file a health information privacy or security complaint. Your complaint must:
  • Be filed in writing by mail, fax, e-mail, or via the OCR Complaint Portal
  • Name the covered entity or business associate involved, and describe the acts or omissions, you believed violated the requirements of the Privacy, Security, or Breach Notification Rules
  • Be filed within 180 days of when you knew that the act or omission complained of occurred. OCR may extend the 180-day period if you can show "good cause"
HIPAA Prohibits Retaliation
Under HIPAA an entity cannot retaliate against you for filing a complaint. You should notify OCR immediately in the event of any retaliatory action.

File a Health Information Privacy Complaint Online 

Open the OCR Complaint Portal and select the type of complaint you would like to file. Complete as much information as possible, including:
  • Information about you, the complainant
  • Details of the complaint
  • Any additional information that might help OCR when reviewing your complaint
You will then need to electronically sign the complaint and complete the consent form. After completing the consent form you will be able to print out a copy of your complaint to keep for your records

File a Health Information Privacy Complaint in Writing

File a Complaint Using the Health Information Privacy Complaint Form Package
Open and fill out the Health Information Privacy Complaint Form Package - PDF in PDF format. You will need Adobe Reader software to fill out the complaint and consent forms. You may either: 
  • Print and mail the completed complaint and consent forms to:
    Centralized Case Management Operations
    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
    200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
    Room 509F HHH Bldg.
    Washington, D.C. 20201
  • Email the completed complaint and consent forms to (Please note that communication by unencrypted email presents a risk that personally identifiable information contained in such an email, may be intercepted by unauthorized third parties)
File A Complaint Without Using Our Health Information Privacy Complaint Package
If you prefer, you may submit a written complaint in your own format by either:
  • Print and mail the completed complaint and consent forms to:
    Centralized Case Management Operations
    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
    200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
    Room 509F HHH Bldg.
    Washington, D.C. 20201
  • Email to
Be sure to include:
  • Your name
  • Full address
  • Telephone numbers (include area code)
  • E-mail address (if available)
  • Name, full address and telephone number of the person, agency, or organization you believe violated your (or someone else’s) health information privacy rights or committed another violation of the Privacy or Security Rule
  • Brief description of what happened. How, why, and when do you believe your (or someone else’s) health information privacy rights were violated, or how the Privacy or Security Rule otherwise was violated
  • Any other relevant information
  • Your signature and date of complaint
If you are filing a complaint on someone’s behalf, also provide the name of the person on whose behalf you are filing.
You may also include:
  • If you need special accommodations for us to communicate with you about this complaint
  • Contact information for someone who can help us reach you if we cannot reach you directly
  • If you have filed your complaint somewhere else and where you’ve filed

File a Security Rule Complaint 

You may file a Security Rule complaint electronically via the OCR Complaint Portal, or using our Health Information Privacy Complaint Package - PDF.
If you mail or fax the complaint, be sure to send it to the appropriate OCR regional office based on where the alleged violation took place. OCR has ten regional offices, and each regional office covers specific states. Send your complaint to the attention of the OCR Regional Manager. You do not need to sign the complaint and consent forms when you submit them by e-mail because submission by e-mail represents your signature.
Before You File a Complaint
Are you filing a complaint against an entity that is required by law to comply with the Privacy and Security Rules? 
Not all entities are required to comply with the Privacy and Security Rules. OCR can only investigate the covered entities that must comply with these rules. Covered entities include most:
  • Doctors
  • Clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Psychologists
  • Chiropractors
  • Nursing Homes
  • Pharmacies
  • Dentists
  • Health Insurance Companies
  • Company Health Plans
  • Medicare, Medicaid, and other government programs that pay for health care
Does your complaint describe an activity that might violate the Privacy or Security Rule?
If you are not sure, go ahead and file your complaint. But, OCR can only investigate complaints that allege an action or omission that fails to comply with the Privacy or Security Rules. For example, a doctor can send your medical test results to another doctor without your permission if the doctor needs the information to treat you; this is not a violation of the Privacy Rule, so we would not investigate a complaint that described this situation.
Did the activity occur after the Privacy and Security Rules took effect?
OCR cannot investigate Privacy Rule complaints that occurred before April 14, 2003 because compliance with the Privacy Rule was not required until that date. Similarly, OCR cannot investigate Security Rule complaints that occurred before April 20, 2005.
Are you willing to give OCR your name and contact information?
OCR does not investigate complaints filed without a name and contact information on the complaint. If you want OCR to keep your name and contact information confidential during the investigation, you may specify that on the consent form.


Time to get my affairs in order - the death threats are a clear and present danger

The Unarmed Constituent was nearly beaten to death in the Walnut Creek Public Library 

Pete Bennett resident of Contra Costa County since 1978 forced out of business in Walnut Creek, Concord, Pittsburg, Fairfield and Danville.  The same day of an explosion in Walnut Creek Judge Joel Golub

 Coincidentally during this nightmare Contra Costa District Mark Peterson was convicted of a perjury and disbarred.

Getting my affairs in order assignment of rights, copyrights and disposition of my assets.  My theory is based on the constant interaction with certain officers from the City of Walnut Creek they plan to use the mental illness doctrine.

It is the simple easiest massive litigation deflector you can buy.  Hire a thug sponsored by the hedge fund that owns the risk insurer in Newport Beach owned by some big huge super big insurance. 


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