Article Search (BETA V1.R1) HHH222
Searchable List of Articles
Rules: Letters as ABC, Word, Keywords like City, State PersonVersion 2 will have large word bases with numerous presets
Article Search
The American Killed in Barcelona - Jason Tucker
The Anthony Banta Jr. Police Shooting
The ANTHRAX Files and FBI Richard Lambert
The Arrested Investors - The College Admissions Scandal
The Bacteria Killers
The Beltway Sniper - CBS news Dan Rather
The Bennett Kidnapping
The Bennett Kidnapping Incidents
The Bennett Witness Murder Stories ~ The Southern Pacific Murders
The Bogus Tow of the SEC Whistleblower
The Brandon Marshall Story
The Buchanan Family Murders
The Bush Files
The CIA Murders
The CIA Runways
The Clinton Files
The Clinton Machine
The Clinton Murders
The Clone Zone
the CNET Scandal
The Cold Case Files
The Computer Virus Attacks
The Contra Costa Arsonist
The Coon Family Files
The COOP Grocery Store Transactions
The Country Club Murders
The Criminal Saga of the Albert D. Seeno Family
The Cynthia Kempf Murder
The David Bremer Murder
The Dead Series
The Deadly Paradise Wildfire Terrorism Argument
The Death Docket
The Deceased Residents of Walnut Creek
The Dirty DUI
The Dirty DUI Judge
The Discredited FBI Agent
The Doc's Pharmacy Bio-Terrorism Story
The Doc's Pharmacy Story
The Dr. Kim Fang Murders
The Driscoll Murders
The Dubious Coroner
The Dubious Investigations of Chief Wenzel
The Dubious Suicides
The East Contra Costa Prostitute Killers
The Ecstasy Deception
The Ellinwood Farm Murders
The Energy Sector
The Eric Nunn Story
The FCC Files
The Ford Files
The Freeway Murders. Dead Officers.
The Gary Vinson Collins Murder Investigation
The GhostShip Fire
The Golub Conspiracy Mormon Murders
The Greenan Murder
The Greenan Murder Mystery
The Homeless Programmer
The Immigration Debate
The Immigration Files
The Iran/Contra Affair
The Jaycee Dugard Story
The Jeffrey Epstein Investigation
The John T. Nejedly Incident
The Jonestown Massacre
The Judi Bari Bombing
The Karaoke Murders
The Kennedy Assassination
The Kennedy Files
The Kidney Killers
The Kinder Morgan
The King of England
The Leslie Milne Bennett Trust
The Lester Garnier Murder
The Locust Street Murders
The Margaret Lesher Murder
The Merger Files
The Metcalf Substation Attack
The Methadone Murders
The Missing Geary Road Farmers
The Mormon Murders
The Mueller Investigation
The Murder of Margaret Lesher
The Murder of Officer Lester Garnier
The Murders Impossible
The Northern District of California
The Officers of Contra Costa County Police Scandal
The Oracle and the Bloodied Activist
The Oracle and the Theranos Suckers Pitch
The Oracle of Redwood City
The Orphan Factory
The Pamela Vitale Murder
The People Temple Finances
The Peoples Temple
The Peter Branagh Investigation
The Peter L. Spinetta Family Law Center
The PG&E Investigation Portal
The Phillip Garrido Story
The Pittsburg Officer Wade Derby Civil Case
The Presidential Murders
The Public Official Murders
The Pulse Nightclub Files
The Queen of England
The Real Estate Investing Series
The Ringheim Murders
The Ringhem Murders
The Rise Fund
The Russia Files
The Russian Connections to Bennett
The Safeway Conspiracy
The Safeway Murders
The Scherer Murders
The Scott Dyleski Story
The Scott Peterson Story
The Scott Shepherd Story
The Scott Shepherd Tragedy
The Sealed Federal Indictments
The Seeno Family Criminal Saga
The Serial Arsonist
The Sniper Files
The Southern Pacific Conspiracy
The Sports Authority
The Star Chamber
The Starbucks Murders
The State Bar
The State Bar of California
The Strack Family Murders
The Strack Murders
The Strack Story
The Suicide Files
The Susan Kennedy Murder
The Susan Polk Files and Analysis
The SW Florida Cartels
The Taiwanchik-Trincher Organization
The Terrorism Files
The Theranos Money Machine
The Three Suicide Story
The Ticket Masters
The Tiki Toms Murders
The Torres Murders
The Tragedy Tracker
The Tragic Tales of Ratliff family
The Unarmed Candidate
The Unarmed Constituent
The Unionized Trusts
The United States Attorney's Offices
The Unusual Ratliff Family Deaths
The Virus Files
The Visa Wars
The Walker Family Murders
The Wall Street Journal
The Welfare Makers
The White House Trump Obama Murders PG&E Wildfires Incidents
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