Bennett lost millions when represented by Bennett and Johnson folded his case after years of litigation, Bennett enduring revenue reasonable losses upwards of 300 Million with the loss of Mainframe Designs Cabinets and Fixtures. Founded in 1980 in a small 1000 sf shop grew to 10,000 sf, with monthly revenues approaching $100,000.
One day Bennett learned one of key witnesses was murdered sometime between 1989 and 1990 at the tail end of the litigation. At the time Southern Pacific was floating a six to seven figure settlement. Bennett met the track investigator who said they were ready with a $750,000 investment.
Bennett married in 1996, learned of the witness murder in 2000 or later, his truck exploded when his life insurance, assets and inheritance were easily over 1.2 Million at death. What Bennett didn't was his Mormon wife was raised by the defense attorney connected to the witness murder. Visit Disbarred Attorneys to learn more about how the Nate Greenan, son of Attorney James Greenan former President of Contra Costa Bar Association lost his life on WB Highway 24 in Orinda. Nate played at with Bennett during March 2012,
Bennett was arrested that same week where he Contra Costa Sheriff Deputy Carlos Francies who realized Bennett cellmate was a dangerous felon. That inmate was placed in Bennett's cell by Deputy Vince Jimenez formerly a deputy in Danville with Deputy Tanabe later arrested in the case locally known as CNET Scandal
Nate was driving on hwy 24 where suddenly switched lanes, went over the rail at Camino Pablo subsequently was killed. Bennett was driven to court by his former Counsel Dax Craven who never shared he was the son-in-law of James Greenan then President of the Bar controlling attorney referrals.
A 30 year set of lies
The big Kahuna uncovered years later between Greenan, the Southern Pacific Attorney Rick Kopf, Safeway CEO Steve Burd, District Mark Peterson and his brother Michael Peterson ties back to the Alamo 1st Ward located on Stone Valley Road.
There is another divorcee who suddenly started attending Alamo 1st in 2004 with her near identical family law battle to get her son back from Idaho. She vanished but when asking members that new there was a sense of stonewalling.
When my realtor friend Brian Schwalen died just hours after services was the last time I attended Alamo 1st Ward.
October 24, 2007
I don't want to be off topic, but I noticed this blog on the Recorder web page right underneath a story about me. I have not read the story about me yet, but if anyone is interested in it, please email me at boatbrain @ aith any questions.
my comments are located at read on stay straight and GOP
I wrote a letter to the editor of the Recorder to tell them I was kind of disappointed that they did not give any of the reasons for my complaints against Orloff in the article.
Very briefly, I was a whistleblower when Orloff and Judge Barbara Miller tried to cover up the crimes of Martin Nakahara, who is the older brother of Judge Vernon Nakahara.
Martin Nakahara was a prominent East Bay lawyer who embezzled from an estate. I will not give all the details here, but the point is, I discovered the crimes, reported them to both Judge Miller, and the DA's office, and found out they were not going to take any action, so I put out some leaflets near the courthouse to tell the public, and got attacked for that.
Sorry if this was off topic but the article about me was right over top of the link to this one and there seems to be a mutual theme of people with gripes.
FYI also - Judge Miller was my divorce judge, but unlike the attorney in this article she did nothing I had any gripe with in the divorce, until helping to cover up for her fellow judge's brother.
One more comment about my own case.
The charge against me was dismissed after I made a motion for disqualfication of the DA's office, and then subpoenaed Tom Orloff and Nancy O'Malley, numbers 1 and 2 in that office, to the hearing.
Bottom line, they preferred to let the case go rather than testify, which I think says a lot.

I don't want to be off topic, but I noticed this blog on the Recorder web page right underneath a story about me. I have not read the story about me yet, but if anyone is interested in it, please email me at boatbrain @ aith any questions.

my comments are located at read on stay straight and GOP

I wrote a letter to the editor of the Recorder to tell them I was kind of disappointed that they did not give any of the reasons for my complaints against Orloff in the article.
Very briefly, I was a whistleblower when Orloff and Judge Barbara Miller tried to cover up the crimes of Martin Nakahara, who is the older brother of Judge Vernon Nakahara.
Martin Nakahara was a prominent East Bay lawyer who embezzled from an estate. I will not give all the details here, but the point is, I discovered the crimes, reported them to both Judge Miller, and the DA's office, and found out they were not going to take any action, so I put out some leaflets near the courthouse to tell the public, and got attacked for that.
Sorry if this was off topic but the article about me was right over top of the link to this one and there seems to be a mutual theme of people with gripes.
FYI also - Judge Miller was my divorce judge, but unlike the attorney in this article she did nothing I had any gripe with in the divorce, until helping to cover up for her fellow judge's brother.

One more comment about my own case.
The charge against me was dismissed after I made a motion for disqualfication of the DA's office, and then subpoenaed Tom Orloff and Nancy O'Malley, numbers 1 and 2 in that office, to the hearing.
Bottom line, they preferred to let the case go rather than testify, which I think says a lot.