Give Up Your Money Now CalPERS the Omnipotent
A Direct Challenge
With over 600,000 outstanding tickets they've essentially damaged the buying power of nearly 8% of the residents. The downside of fining us to bankruptcy is they are impacting our credit ratings placing hidden costs on Constituents.
I've personally made hundreds of calls to my elected officials about my incidents with no luck, no help and Senator Mark DeSaulnier called the Threat Assessment Unit.
I'd be curious to see how many Public and Elected Officials have been fined $16,000 for tickets.
The elected live well, they live in the finest houses and they are often friends with the judges. I know this personally with Judge Joel Golub who offered the undocumented workers steep discounts. One day in court he chopped identical fines to mine to $75.00 then but added a $2,000 Civil Assessment to my identical ticket.
Food Stamps and Dumpster Diving for CalPERS. To offset crushing debts I defray expenses by eating from dumpsters which after the September 2013 hit and run leaving me out of bandwidth.
The common answer from elected officials is there is nothing they can do.
When the first arrests of the CNET Players occurred in March 2011 it was clear that Attorneys, Judges, Police Officers, Officers of the Court and many county agencies had ganged up on me.
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The California Poorman Tax
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.
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